Yoga Brain
Yoga Brain
014: Wren Quinn: Trauma Alchemy
Wren Quinn is a mother, an herbalist, a teacher of yoga therapy, and the creator of Trauma Alchemy, a trauma-informed somatic program. Wren’s latest offerings include Herbal Communion, a course exploring the intricacies of the herbal allies that can be used to support your health, helping clients to prepare and grow with their chosen medicine.
So much of our conversation stems from trauma resolution: working through trauma, opposed to working past it. We talk about the importance of seeing and making due with the hardest parts of ourselves and our past, alchemizing awareness into behaviors that are aligned with our highest self.
We ask Wren about narcissists, how to spot them and protect yourself from them. We ask her about herbs and the lessons she's learned as a mother. As Wren has a nurturing heart and a wise soul.
Special Guest
Wren Quinn
Host & Producer
Jenny Martin
Executive Editor
Matt Thomas
"Kismet" Song
Connor Yeager